Even …For You
Even…For You
To the lonely and busy mind
Wherein regret doth creep therein
Fret no more neath the shroud of thine envy
For a time shall come wherein grief subsides
And will no longer bear the wounded pride
Of a self once chained to the woes of rejection
To the lonely and busy mind
Wherein hope doth seem to hide its face
And understanding seeming to be confused
And the passions of love doth seem unknown
Trials to bury…burdens carried too long
Think not of how long the time
Before within you… the seeds of joy sown
There cometh for you the hour of grace
Misunderstanding becomes a wisdom known
Smiling with honor and righteous perfection
Pains still there yet not as loud
To the lonely and busy mind
Envy goeth by demands of glory
Though from within the tales of doubt
Doth tempt you to a solemn silence
Whilst tremors speak of clenching fears
Knoweth well that freedom in this darkness
Shall soon be gone as the Light of promise
Bears upon you what longing hath called
Relax, I ask… For hope is near
To the lonely and busy mind
Of whomever reads upon these lines
Let go, let go of the heart once more
That abounding peace might make its stand
So the longings of the heart and mind
May know in you the divine reflection
A Light of truth in all you do
Whilst a glimpse of hope like a cosmic strand
Doth leave you to know love hath come
To the lonely and busy mind
Fret if you must whilst dancing with wounds of envy
Yet know the hour for you to be
Is when from within your deepest sense of self
You shall know…that love hath come…love hath come for you.